He flips, tummy to back and back to tummy.
He's great at scooting around his cot.
He's still a toy to J and E. J loves squeezing him. E is not sure what to make of him at times. On one hand, she's so great with him: stroking his face, cooing at him in her special high-pitched baby voice, wanting mom, and only mom, to carry him. But on the other hand, if mom's hands are filled with Noah, then how will mom carry her? Conundrum.
He's not at all keen on mom slinging him, unlike his two older siblings. He wants to be carried facing forward, so that he can take in the world.
He had his first taste of rice cereal and apples yesterday.
He sleeps a good eight-hour long stretch at night, which still astounds mom.
He now cries to be carried when mom puts him down for his nap or bedtime. Trouble is, he doesn't fall asleep when she picks him up! So down back on his cot he goes - he cries for just a couple of minutes though.
He is a talker. He has conversations with his cot bumper and his mobile regularly.
He is most generous with his smiles. Charmer.
He does not complain about being in his stroller which is also a new experience for mom.
He is finding his "grabbing" hands. When he first came, he never ever reached for toys that were put in front of him. He's learning to now.
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