We have been asked why we've decided to adopt. In our culture, adoption is viewed with some ambivalence. It is usually a last resort, and is often accompanied by whispers and sidelong glances. We have met with some people, even in church, who do not understand why we would want to adopt. Here's our answer, give or take a few words...
We have felt God leading us to this decision, which we made not rashly but deliberately. This is the gist of it: this baby is God's plan for us, as much as J and E are God's plan for our family.
God is the defender of the fatherless, and he calls us to do the same (Isaiah 1:17). One of our dearest friends gave me much food for thought when she said when we adopt, we get a little peek into our Father's heart, His love for the fatherless, the orphans and the lost.
We are God's adopted children too (Ephesians 1:3-6). There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Because God adopted us, we are now members of his household and we are his children and his heirs. This is what I want to tell him when I finally meet him: Never be ashamed because you are adopted. God adopted us, and it is a beautiful thing.
His name will be Noah, which I think sounds strong and solid. It means peace, rest and comfort. Just as the biblical Noah stood firm, obeying God even when he was laughed at and mocked, we pray that our Noah will also be strong and stand firm, if and when he meets people who do not understand how beautiful adoption is.
A wonderful decision and God bless you all as you start this journey. I was wondering who this was and after the most recent photos am now enlightened :-)
aoFiona...I think this is a beautiful perspective on adoption that I've never heard articulated before. COngratulations to you and Keith as you take this journey of obedience to a call God has placed on your whole family and also for Josh and Emma as they are also blessed by your obedience! What a gift for them to grow up under such Godly wisdom. I'm celebrating with you!
Love, Danice
Dear Fiona and Keith, I came across your journal through my daughter Ai En's cherry magazine. I was very very touched by what I read in your journey journal. I am tearing now. It really takes alot of love and courage to adopt a child when you already have one. Most of all, I see God's love in both of you. May God continue to bless your family and Noah with good health. Changi Baptist church are very blessed to have your family there as their role model. My children are also very blessed to get to know your family. They often talks about your children. God bless you. Love and prayer Sai Khim
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