Thursday, June 5, 2008

heart all aflutter

It's been an exciting two days for me.

Every time I check my email and see something from the adoption agency, my hearts starts beating a little faster.

Yesterday, I received a whole bunch of new photos, taken just a couple of days ago. Finally, something with his eyes open! I spent a frantic few minutes trying to save everything into iPhoto, all the while fighting an irrational fear that the email containing these precious shots would just disappear. When K came back with the kids from the playground, I had to yell at him to come see.

We now have exactly 26 photos. Yes, I counted.

This afternoon, another email - telling me that it looks like the baby's passport could be ready earlier than we thought, by end July. So we could potentially have him in Singapore by early August. Would we like to take custody of him then or wait until end August (which was the original approximate date given to us)?

Duh. The earlier the better lah, I want to wail. (The heart is pounding all the while.)

So please continue to keep us in prayer: especially for us to complete our home study report quickly; and for no delays in the process of getting his passport.

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