We had Noah's birth certificate done today. With our names down as his parents.
We took this for granted with the older two, but we are savoring it this time round.
Because of the paperwork needed for the birth certificate, we had to sort through a whole bunch of papers that we have for Noah. We knew we had this, but we paused again when we saw his birth mother's signature giving up her rights to him.
We had to pause because today my name took the place of her name on Noah's new birth certificate.
It made me wonder (again!) about the questions that Noah will have when he is older - who his birth mother was, and why she gave him up. Such tough questions that we don't have answers to, as much as I want to be able to help him understand.
I think of all that I want him to know even before these questions arise in his mind: that we love him, he is as much our child as his older siblings, that God is good, God's plans are perfect. Perhaps above all, this: our adoption of him was so directed by God.
1 comment:
Dear K and F
Very happy for you guys that you are legally Noah's parents now. I am sure Noah will have questions about his parentage when he grows up, which may be earlier than later. You know, you might not be able to explain that he came from Mummy's tummy which would not be factual. But I am sure he would understand that God has been wonderful to both you guys and him. All the best!
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