Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
Genesis 2:19-20
Genesis 2:19-20
There is something powerful and life-affirming in giving a name.
In one of the blogs that I read religiously, the writer tells of being in an orphanage in India. She sees a tiny newborn baby and asks the nun what the baby's name is. She is then told the baby doesn't have a name. The Lord takes some of them so quickly that they aren't given names.
There is something heartbreaking about that.
When this all started, I wrote that I couldn't see God's light in the midst of everything that was happening. I wrote that I knew in my head that it was there, but I couldn't see it, I couldn't feel it. It was too dark.
I wrote those words straight from my heart.
In the days since then, I have walked down paths I never thought I would. The worst part was having to contemplate the idea of possibly burying a child.
In the days since then, I have had to examine my faith, what I believe in. I have found that I cannot do this - do life - on my own strength. I simply am not strong enough.
In the days since then, I have come out on the other side. We have gotten the miracle that we asked for, the same miracle that we were afraid to believe in.
We are not out of the woods yet. I think that every expectant mother never feels completely safe about her pregnancy until the baby is born and in her arms. And even then...
But at least there is this for now: there is light.
If it had been a boy, his name would have been Luke, which means bringer of light.
Because it's a girl, her name will be Lucy, which means light.
To always remind us of how God showed us His light, when we thought we could see nothing at all.
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