Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Almost a month ago, I received the phone call that turned life upside down for me. After telling me the screening results, the nurse told me that she was scheduling me for an amniocentesis in April. I would have to wait about a month for it to be safe enough to proceed on this test. I really was in no position to do any questioning at the time; I wasn't even sure that I would be taking the amniocentesis. So I let it be. I let her schedule it. Because it was the path of least resistance.

After that conversation, we did some research and talked to some friends. It turned out that there's another test that can be done earlier, called CVS - it basically involves taking a sample from the placenta instead of the amniotic fluid. K wondered if we should ask about this test instead, get the waiting and wondering over and done with.

I didn't want to take it. Maybe I was afraid to get the results. I wanted to wait.

Last week, I suddenly realised that it would be Easter this weekend. I had known it was coming, but it only just sank in exactly when.

We've told the kids the Easter story in past years. It always gets a bit hard around the part where Jesus dies. Josh gets distressed, and we have to work hard to stress that the story doesn't end there. Three days later, Jesus rises again. Sometimes the distress over the hard part of the story drowns out the good parts.

The amniocentesis is scheduled for two days after Easter.

Two days after we celebrate God's redemption and His restoration.

That means the world to me now.

Because it reminds me that whatever the test results are, that God will redeem it. God will restore.

Whatever the result.

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