Tuesday, August 26, 2008

getting to know you, getting to know all about you

We have been learning about Noah, as much as he is learning about us.

J and E are still pretty excited to have him here: Noah's like their toy-of-the-moment. They get upset each time I tell them that Noah's taking a nap; and they have been busy showing him off to almost everyone they know (and sometimes, people they don't know as well: strangers we meet in the lifts, for instance).

E is learning though that a new baby in the house means a little less attention for her, and she isn't enjoying that part so much. But she's still incredibly gentle with him, and she gets a kick out of making him chuckle. J is affectionate, sometimes a little too much! Noah definitely doesn't like it when J pops out in his face calling out his name!

Things we've learnt about Noah:

He's an okay feeder; but we're working on fattening him up! He sleeps quite a bit, and falls asleep by himself with nary a cry, which amazes K and I each time it happens. (Those who knew J when he was a newborn would know that he trained me to have very low expectations when it came to sleep!) So I am enjoying having a baby who can fall asleep on his own.

He coos, and has a really cute laugh: sort of a chuckle.

He likes his baths.

He's a great burp-er.

We're waiting on a few health tests, and are praying that he is fully healthy. We are also praying that he will have no problems attaching to us.

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