J comes home from school, grouchy and whiny when he realises that we're not going anywhere but home.
E's whiny and crying because she wants to wear the pretty dress that's in the laundry. Crying because she wants kor-kor's man-with-sticky-feet toy that he got from a goodie bag from school. Crying because she doesn't want me to brush her hair after her bath. Crying in all probability because she just really needed a nap straight after school.
Time to count my blessings.
J and E have their names put up on their bedroom doors in cute colourful letters. A couple of days ago, we bought letters for Noah too. J found them before leaving for school this morning, and wanted to know what they were for. After I explained to him that we would stick the letters on his door, so that it could be the boys' room in the future, he said, "But what about mei-mei? Then she'll be all alone in her room..."
And that is just how he is: sensitive to other people's feelings and wanting to be inclusive.
Oh, and his solution - he says he can sleep with daddy and Noah, and I can sleep with mei-mei.

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