Tuesday, March 10, 2009


For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14

We are scheduled for another check up on baby in a couple of days. I have a special test scheduled this time round; it's a new one - I don't think they had it yet during my earlier two pregnancies. Basically we'll be able to do an earlier and more accurate screening for Down's. I wouldn't think anything about it, except we've travelled down this road before, and it turned out to be curvier than expected.

We didn't clear the Down's screening during my pregnancy with E. It was just a screening, so it doesn't definitively tell you whether or not your baby has Down's, but the risk assessed with her was higher than normal. Enough for my doctor to recommend an amniocentesis. We were travelling in Thailand when I got the call from the doctor's office. It sent us straight to our knees.

In the end, we decided not to go with the amniocentesis. We prayed that the baby would be healthy. We also prayed for strength and grace to deal with a not completely healthy baby, if she was indeed sick. I worried. And then worried some more. We had always thought of Emma as a possible name for our baby girl. What clinched it for us was finding out that one of the meanings for Emma was "whole, complete". We claimed that for her. And praise God, she was born healthy. (Three years down the road, I can also say spunky, with a strong backbone!)

We've been praying for a healthy baby this time round too. Every night before the older two sleep, we say prayers with them, and they've taken to praying for the baby. I love hearing their little voices say, "Please God, pray for new baby."

As I go in for the test on Thursday, I am just a little nervous. But I'll be holding on to the hand of Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will be praying that all goes well at your appointment!